y0himba.net y0himba.net: February 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Listen to the quote you hear when hitting my web site.  A great man has passed.  He always told us "the rest of the story".

R.I.P. Paul Harvey.  You were loved by many, and will be missed. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday

My daughter turned 15 yesterday.  She is getting so much older.  I am going to lose her someday and it gets more apparent every year.

I love you T.J.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Of Mice And Computer Cases.

I was having a problem with my cramped, overheated Dell Inspiron computer case in which the graphics card (GeForce 9800 GTX+) and the CPU (Q6600 Quad Core) were too close to the on-board network card.  When I would get into some serious FPS gameplay, they would heat up and cause my connection to get all wonky.

Solution?  Buy a bigger case with more room, more ventilation, and more fans.  MOOAAARRRRR!!!11elevnty

Bonus:  It has pretty lights.  Yay.

The new case isn't the best, but it serves my needs.  It has front and side 80mm fans, plus a HUGE 120mm fan in the back.  Here are the pre-requisite poorly taken pictures.

new_computer_case_02-21-2009 000smnew_computer_case_02-21-2009 001sm

new_computer_case_02-21-2009 002sm


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Delicious. Crispy. Bacon.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

PGH, Crabs, Beer.

I love to visit Pittsburgh. Couldn't live there though.  It does however have it's finer points such as The Church Brew Works.  They are the reason I am going to be extremely happy tonight.  For they have produced:

pgh_and beer_sm

Mmmm, beeeeer.  This will be empty in about half an hour.  Let me tell you, let me witness to you, the beauty of this dark draft.  It is quite possibly the best dark beer I have ever had, including Guinness, Bass, any number of German darks, and Yuengling.

Yesterday must have been one of those days when the fates align to create a sublime culinary experience.  Not only was I privy to the best dark beer ever, but we also ate at a place called Joe's Crab Shack in Station Square.  The seafood was plentiful and perfect.  Decor left a bit to be desired as seen below. a bit cheesy.


(Click here for a full size clickable, zoomable panorama)

The link to the full size panorama is included for the full delicious cheesiness.


Monday, February 16, 2009


Just got in from Pittsburgh, went to Culture Shop, Beehive Coffee Shop, Joe's Crab Shack, and The Church Brew Works.  I love The Church, a veritable alter to the Beer God. Also the best dark beer EVER.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I just watched "The Notebook" again.  I can only hope to be with my wife when we go.

I am crying so hard it hurts.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

San Francisco Mascot (NSFW?)

This is, um, possibly NSFW and maybe NSFM (Not safe for morality?)


Thursday, February 12, 2009

End Of The Rainbow? *FOUND*

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sony's Latest Piece Of Sh*t

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

said: Testing out "Spaz."

Monday, February 9, 2009


I am young for 42 years old.  I never really feel old, always have a sense of humor even though I am grumpy.  I still play pranks on my kids and dance, listen to all kinds of music, I am happy.

Today, not so much. Today, for some odd reason, I am just plain tired.  I am just ready to lie down, and just not get up.

Today, I feel every one of the 43 years I have been on this Earth.  It weighs on me, on my shoulders.

I guess everyone has these days.   WTF ever.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bottom Feeding Lowlife

To the desperate, pathetic, bottom feeding lowlife who attempted to use my wife's credit card online, I found you.  You had the card physically, I know where the transaction attempt was made, and how you got your hands on the card.  Rest assured, today, you will have an unpleasant experience and end up with others who meet your low standards.

I know you work for my wife, and I also know that you always call off sick.  Get a life and learn some responsibility.  You want something, earn it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Windows 7 Multitouch!


Desktop updated.  I have had this wallpaper for a while, and it is one of my favorites.
