y0himba.net y0himba.net: August 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I Love My New Palm Centro

As with any new operating system or device, it takes a week or so to learn it, tweak it, and beat it into submission, get it the way I like it.

Here is the first time I have actually just sat down to it and said, "there we go, that'll work".


Edit:  Ok, so maybe I wasn't ready to sit back and say "this is it".  Now I am.



Toolbar?  No toolbar? decisions, decisions.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Holy Crap VP Nominee Is HOT

Sarah Palin has been chosen by Senator John McCain to be his running mate *snicker* in his bid for the Presidency .  One word:


Courtesy: http://www.vpilf.com/

"Zodiac" Killer Found?

One of a few serial killers that were never found, depicted in the 2007 movie "Zodiac" starring Jake Gyllenhaal.

The Zodiac Killer is a serial killer who operated in Northern California in the late 1960s. His identity remains unknown. The Zodiac coined his name in a series of taunting letters he sent to the press. His letters included four cryptograms (or ciphers), three of which have yet to be solved.

The Zodiac murdered five known victims in Benicia, Vallejo, Lake Berryessa, and San Francisco between December 1968 and October 1969. Four men and three women between the ages of 16 and 29 were targeted. Others have also been suspected to be Zodiac victims, albeit inconclusively. The lack of consensus about the number of victims, the inability of law enforcement to crack the ciphers, and the fact that several people have inconclusively been portrayed as "persons of interest" or possible suspects, has elicited this case's designation as a perfect crime.

In April 2004, the San Francisco Police Department marked the case "inactive", but reopened it some time before March 2007. The case remains open in other jurisdictions as well.

Source: Wikipedia

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) ? The Zodiac Killer attacked at least eight people, terrorizing the Bay Area and taunting police in the 60's and 70's. Thursday, the FBI confirmed to CBS13 they are now running laboratory tests on some items that may link a suspect to the killer.

Read more at CBS 13 Sacramento, California

Story link courtesy of:


A Tube Full Of FAIL.

Warning:  Some of the thumbnails on the site may be NSFW.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Facebook on my Palm Centro!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Can You Find Them?

Wonderful gallery of people painted to look like their surroundings.


History Has Been Made

A major political party has nominated an African American, a Black man, for President of the United States.  It's about time.





Eye Candy-Fun And Magically Delicious

Beautiful and fun, but needless.  Still, sure looks nice.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Desktop At Lifehacker.com!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Holy Crap! No Wonder They Go To War.

Bikini clad women welcome Russian sailors home.


(Hint:  Eye bleach required)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Cell Phone!

For 2 long years we (my wife and I)  have subsisted on the pithy Motorola Razr.  At the time we bought them we thought they were hot and happening, turns out they cool and crappy.  Junk.

I do have to admit however that the Razr I had was easily hackable and infinitely customizable. It supported all my IM accounts including Jabber, I could send/receive GMail, and ran Opera mini.

Yesterday ended the reign of my first cell phone, alas, I will remember it with fond despising.

Introducing my new cell phone, the Palm Centro.  I am in love.  I will never go back to a cell phone without a full QWERTY keypad.  I love the touch screen, the size, the shape, the streaming audio/video.  *sigh* 

Feast upon it's beauty.

(It is a beauty, my pictures are complete crap)

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Worst "CAPTCHAS" Ever

A "Captcha" is a challenge-response method for verifying that a person is actually filling out a form, and not an automatic form filling spam bot from hell.  It usually consists of letters and numbers on a background to scramble the pattern so it cannot be read by a machine.  Sometimes it's a question, sometimes it's a math equation.

Here are some funny and unfortunate Captchas courtesy Docstoc.com.

Link:  http://www.docstoc.com/docs/1048763/Worst-Captchas-of-All-Time

Pay Your Bills on Time? Save Money? Sucker.

This is my family and I.  Work our collective fingers to the bone, tired all the time, stressing to find time to go to our children's important events.  We paid our home off, save, and try to invest, but the amount we get in return shrinks and shrinks.

Article courtesy of The Examiner-Philadelphia



"Meanwhile, tens of millions of people pay their mortgages on time, don't max out their credit cards and put money into retirement funds. They may even save a little extra on the side. In return, they get rates on their savings that don't even keep up with inflation. They also are witnessing the horror of their nest eggs shrinking as the value of their homes plummets and the stock market tumbles. Washington policymakers seem more focused on rescuing those who behave badly by putting at risk taxpayers who've played by the rules and shunned the get-rich-quick schemes of Wall Street croupiers. "

Thursday, August 21, 2008

So. F**king. Awesome.

So. Fucking. Awesome.
So. Fucking. Awesome.,
originally uploaded by WilWheaton.
Crushed velvet Ensign Crusher. Does it get more evil, more awesome than this?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Impending Doom

Impending Doom: Summer vacation for school is over. Back to work for me, it's my last day of freedom :(

Blog Updated

Default Blogger template with some heavy editing.  4:08am, going to bed for 3 hours.

I Don't Want To Live Today - Empire Records OST - Ape Hangers

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

WTF Is Burger King Thinking?

List Your Styles In Vista Just Like XP

This genius little hack is safe and allows you to list the real names of visual styles just like you could in Windows XP.  Windows Vista only.


File is mirrored here:


Fix Outlook URL Problems

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Feel free to check out my panoramas both here and at Flickr.  I just added quite a few.  Some are quite large and not dialup friendly.

Holy Crap Mr. Rogers Is SCARY

Aaaaaagh! Twhirl is using 340K of memory!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dad Makes Star Wars VII Sequel Staring His Kids

Christianity In A Nutshell


I LOL'd.

Anyone know of a way to report now playing information from Winamp to Pownce automatically?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fun is.

Spending 4 and a half hours cleaning up over 20 different pieces of spyware form a regular client's computer.  This happens every 4 weeks.  Bonus:  He is a police officer.

Excuse me while I beat my head on the keybvcndfqjkoghqrp1bf4puvfeovbefjveea


Updated the Feedback page to include contact information, renamed it to "Contact".  It now includes everything needed to get in touch with over a variety of mediums.

On a side note, I am in love with Pownce, check it out!

Listening to: Walk This Way - Aerosmith

Sunday, August 10, 2008

is messing with "Pownce"

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Relief Is..

Listening to Family Force 5 - Business Up Front Party In The Back (Diamond Edition) - Love Addict so loud that your ears bleed and the windows rattle, while screaming so loud and so hard that you can't talk for a week.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Desktop Updated

You can click the image above, or the screen shot at the right for full size.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

T.J. Got Braces!

My daughter finally has her braces.  They look perfect on her.  She was so worried, but there is no reason to be, she is still just beautiful.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

is wishing he could sleep. Insomnia sucks.

Your Fired

This is my little Donald Trump.  He fired me from his Lemonade Stand. :(

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Zombie Survival Quiz

Friday, August 1, 2008

Frustration Is.(Part Deux)

Living in a small town in the middle of nowhere + Cell phones + One tower for coverage + a storm=damage to said tower and no cell phones for a couple of days.