y0himba.net y0himba.net: July 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Frustration Is.

Receiving "Vantage Point" from Netflix, and the DVD is damaged, but you don't find out until 1 hour 20 minutes of a 1 hour 30 minute movie.  I missed the last 10 minutes.  Waiting on a replacement.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It seems some mysterious individual created, over 20 years ago, a set of guidelines, similar to the Ten Commandments in style set on a Stonehenge type monument.  All of a sudden, this monument has become "Satanic" and *gasp* "Pagan", at least according to the Christians. Of course any religion not completely orchestrated, controlled by, or for the profit and power of said "Christians" is evil.

Read the entire story here.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Panoramas

I like to attempt to take panoramic images.  I just added 4 very large panoramas, ranging from 7MB to 10MB. The newest ones are below, the full size images are here.  I have panoramas of local swimming holes, and the Thurston Classic, a Hot Air Balloon race. I have no idea what else is in there, so have a look.




Titusville Overlook-Perry St.Hill Digital 06-30-2008_640

Full sizes are here, and are not dial-up friendly.


We were watching a movie, when in the space of less than 5 minutes, it got dark and then NOISY.  Golf ball size hail came down hard, busted a window in our utility room. I took these pictures and damn that hail hurt when it hit.  Full size pictures here.

hailstorm_07-26-2008 001 hailstorm_07-26-2008 002

hailstorm_07-26-2008 003 hailstorm_07-26-2008 004

hailstorm_07-26-2008 005

Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy SysAdmin Day!

Happy SysAdmin Day!  Learn more about it at Wikipedia.

I Have Found Love

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Dark Night

Batman was incredible except for the whole pod flipping on the wall thing.  I can't believe Heath Ledger, damn.  he was PERFECT.  Incredible.  He stole the movie if you ask me, just couldn't quit watching his every facial expression.  He is the joker, period. Dent was okay, but not great, although the makeup effects on his "Two Face" were incredible.  Maggie Gyllenhaal is nasty.  Frumpy.  Ugly. She was horrid, there is something dark and erotic, almost prostitute-like about her. 

This was one movie worth the $50 we spent to get in and the $10.00 in gas it takes to get there.  Just WOW.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

andLinux Is Cool

I just installed andLinux.  It allows you to run a full Linux operating system seamlessly in Windows.  Unlike Wubi, which easily downloads, installs, and reboots you into Linux or Windows (Your choice at boot), andLinux runs right inside Windows, allowing a full Linux OS with all applications.  See the screen shot below.  It's a great way to try Linux.



Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Weird, Beautiful Flower

My wife and I were out doing yard work and gardening, we had just planted some Hosta, and were dumping the left over weeds and such when back in our garden a bit we saw the flower below.  Can anyone identify it?  If so, contact me.




Monday, July 14, 2008


This is a test post for Switchabit.com to see if it actually works.  This service allows you to post to ONE source and have that post automatically echoed on others.  For example, I am posting to Blogger now, and this will be automatically re-posted to Flickr, Twitter, and Facebook.