y0himba.net y0himba.net: The Booby Scare

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Booby Scare

Whatever your (or my) reasons for posting this video, the message should get out there.  See, my wife had a lump, and you really have no idea how much it eats at you and scares you inside until you find out how bad it is. 

Luckily, my wife's lump was benign, but I feel for those of you whose lumps were not. 

Get the message out folks.  Mom's teach your daughters, friends, and anyone else that these regular checks could help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have two cousins who died from breast cancer. They were 32 and 36 years old. The 36 year old left two young daughters behind. This is a memorial to the 32 year old.

My neighbor (and best friend) also had breast cancer, but she survived with a mastectomy.

Glad the lump was benign, my friend.

October 14, 2009 5:26 AM  
Anonymous Margot said...

By the way, the previous comment was from me - forgot to sign it. *sigh*

October 14, 2009 5:28 AM  

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