y0himba.net y0himba.net: Love My Netbook

Friday, March 27, 2009

Love My Netbook

Okay, so I am poor.  Not rich.  Don't have a lot of $$.  Etc.  can't afford a laptop, but I was able to swing a Netbook, with wife approval of course. 

It is incredible.  It's not huge and clunky like a laptop.  It is small and convenient.  I am not going to be playing Crysis or any huge 3D FPS games on it any time soon, but it runs just like my old Windows XP desktop did. It's quick, smooth, and runs a full version of Windows XP home with antivirus and everything I use.  I thought the display would be tiny, but it is very clear and easy to see.

I am impressed, and I actually prefer this over the laptops I have used.  It's inexpensive.  I can't recommend it enough.



Anonymous Margotbean said...

Someone brought one of those into work a while back, and let me play with it for a couple hours... I friggin loved it! I did NOT want to give it back.

April 7, 2009 11:24 PM  

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