I love to visit Pittsburgh. Couldn't live there though. It does however have it's finer points such as The Church Brew Works. They are the reason I am going to be extremely happy tonight. For they have produced:
Mmmm, beeeeer. This will be empty in about half an hour. Let me tell you, let me witness to you, the beauty of this dark draft. It is quite possibly the best dark beer I have ever had, including Guinness, Bass, any number of German darks, and Yuengling.
Yesterday must have been one of those days when the fates align to create a sublime culinary experience. Not only was I privy to the best dark beer ever, but we also ate at a place called Joe's Crab Shack in Station Square. The seafood was plentiful and perfect. Decor left a bit to be desired as seen below. a bit cheesy.
(Click here for a full size clickable, zoomable panorama)
The link to the full size panorama is included for the full delicious cheesiness.