y0himba.net y0himba.net: Of Mice And Computer Cases.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Of Mice And Computer Cases.

I was having a problem with my cramped, overheated Dell Inspiron computer case in which the graphics card (GeForce 9800 GTX+) and the CPU (Q6600 Quad Core) were too close to the on-board network card.  When I would get into some serious FPS gameplay, they would heat up and cause my connection to get all wonky.

Solution?  Buy a bigger case with more room, more ventilation, and more fans.  MOOAAARRRRR!!!11elevnty

Bonus:  It has pretty lights.  Yay.

The new case isn't the best, but it serves my needs.  It has front and side 80mm fans, plus a HUGE 120mm fan in the back.  Here are the pre-requisite poorly taken pictures.

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