y0himba.net y0himba.net: Pay Your Bills on Time? Save Money? Sucker.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pay Your Bills on Time? Save Money? Sucker.

This is my family and I.  Work our collective fingers to the bone, tired all the time, stressing to find time to go to our children's important events.  We paid our home off, save, and try to invest, but the amount we get in return shrinks and shrinks.

Article courtesy of The Examiner-Philadelphia



"Meanwhile, tens of millions of people pay their mortgages on time, don't max out their credit cards and put money into retirement funds. They may even save a little extra on the side. In return, they get rates on their savings that don't even keep up with inflation. They also are witnessing the horror of their nest eggs shrinking as the value of their homes plummets and the stock market tumbles. Washington policymakers seem more focused on rescuing those who behave badly by putting at risk taxpayers who've played by the rules and shunned the get-rich-quick schemes of Wall Street croupiers. "


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