y0himba.net y0himba.net: Mission Accomplished!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

In under 24 hours I was able to raise $90.  I purchased COD4 from Steam using Paypal, then donated the $36 and change that remained to my clan's servers. I would especially like to thank my clan.

I would also like to thank the folks over at Cerulean Studios' forums that were kind, donated without a second thought, kind and not jealous or attitude ridden.  It was unbelievable how some of those guys acted.  Completely asinine.  I guess there are always the good and the bad, I would like to thank the good guys, not the morons that were worried about making a statement, being dominant, or appearing aggressive and in the lead on a forum.  Pathetic, jealous, tiny people.


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