y0himba.net y0himba.net: Beg Beg Beg Plead

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Beg Beg Beg Plead

As you can see below, wifey let me get a new computer.  She also let me get Orange Box because I found it for really cheap.  I really want Call Of Duty 4 so I can play it on the new system, but wifey says "NO MORE FOR YOU!".

So, I am in a bind.  I cannot justify buying "another damn game" to her, but I am dying to have it. So I am BEGGING for donations.  I only want to get to $50 so I can purchase it through Steam.  Any extra will be returned if requested or donated to my clan's servers.

Please click below and feed my COD4 need.



Blogger myucha said...

My wife and I include categories for hobby related expenses every month in our budget. That way large purchases can be planned for and it turns "no" into "when".

Also, why not look for a part-time job to earn the money? One of the guys I used to work with did a paper route in the mornings.

January 19, 2008 9:56 AM  
Blogger y0himba said...

How are you guys by the way Matt? I actually have 2 jobs now, and this computer was the first thing we have ever purchased on credit. The problem isn't income, it's justification.

As you know, I have 3 kids, and that money could go to them. I cannot honesty justify spending it to my wife, so, I am thinking outside the box, and it worked.

I was just going to post that the goal had been reached. I was able to purchase it and my wife still loves me :D

January 19, 2008 10:14 AM  

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