y0himba.net y0himba.net: We Got Our House!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

We Got Our House!


It's all over.  Now we just wait for the fatass lawyer to type a few names on a deed, which he actually doesn't do, he has an assistant do it and gets paid $300.  Luckily, the seller is paying that.

It should take him about a week to set at his desk, stare into space blankly, make some important phone calls, smoke a cigar lighted with a $100 bill. get a head job from his 22 year old assistant, then she will make out our deed.

I do work for lawyers on their computers, I hate them.

The lawyer for our side wanted $678 for a deed search that would take him 1to 3 weeks.  He also wanted $300 in fees.  I went to the county courthouse, did a deed search back to 1950 when the house was built.  It took 5 minutes and was free.  Just saved $978.  Also did a tax lean search back to 1950 and got a copies of the old deeds.

The pool is going to cost around $1000.

contract_7-5-07 003 contract_7-5-07 006

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Anonymous lilith said...

You might want to be wary of the pool company. They do not have an online website. And if you do a search on their name, either "Bilmont Pools" or "bpi pools" still nothing comes up. Beware!

As soon as I saw their claim that they are member of "the Better Business Bureau" it smells of a scam. That claim made me suspicious.

My first suspicion came when I saw how "cheap" the pool is. Even adding in the ground preparation, I have a sneaking suspicion this is not a legitimate company and any money you put down will be nothing but a donation to a bunch of scammers.

I hope I'm wrong, but they should have a legitimate website and the email contact should not be a yahoo email. Something smells funny about this one.

I hope I'm wrong for your sake.

Congratulations on your new home. Remember: You're never a homeowner; you're just owned by a home.

Good luck!!

July 16, 2007 10:37 PM  

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