It's all over. Now we just wait for the fatass lawyer to type a few names on a deed, which he actually doesn't do, he has an assistant do it and gets paid $300. Luckily, the seller is paying that.
It should take him about a week to set at his desk, stare into space blankly, make some important phone calls, smoke a cigar lighted with a $100 bill. get a head job from his 22 year old assistant, then she will make out our deed.
I do work for lawyers on their computers, I hate them.
The lawyer for our side wanted $678 for a deed search that would take him 1to 3 weeks. He also wanted $300 in fees. I went to the county courthouse, did a deed search back to 1950 when the house was built. It took 5 minutes and was free. Just saved $978. Also did a tax lean search back to 1950 and got a copies of the old deeds.
The pool is going to cost around $1000.