y0himba.net y0himba.net: I Would Like To Thank FedEx..

Friday, March 30, 2007

I Would Like To Thank FedEx..

For destroying my beautiful new computer.  I would also like to thank CyberpowerPC for extremely bad tech support.  Here is the story:

When I got home from work a 9am on the 2nd of March, there were some marks in the 3 feet of snow on my back porch.  One of the marks was rectangular.  I came inside to start doing some work on a client computer, checked my email first, and there was an email from FedEx saying my new computer had been delivered.

This delivery was "signature required".  I hadn't signed for it, and my wife wasn't home, and I had no computer.  Turns out, the FedEx delivery retard had thrown the $1047 computer into the snow.  It had landed on a corner, bounce a small bit, and dropped into the snow wrong side up.  So much for the huge FRAGILE signs and arrows on the box.  My wife had come home from work for a quick bite, picked it up out of the snow, and took it to work with her for safe keeping.  NO ONE SIGNED FOR IT.  anyone could have just taken it.

When I got it from my wife, the box on the outside was wet, and the corner was crumpled.  I brought it home and immediately called FedEx, who said if the inner box was ok then it was ok.  The wonderful person there said I soul report this to him and he would take care of the rest.

I then called cyberpowerpc.com, whom I got the computer from, and told them about it.  They said they would look into it.  In the meantime, I should open it up, get it running, and make sure it was ok. 

I did that.  It ran for two days, then the raid 0 would start having random freezes.  Since it had been running fine, I did some research and saw problems with Nforce4 Raid and SLI under Vista.  for two weeks, I went back and forth with Microsoft and NVidia, trying to troubleshoot the problem.

During this time, I was also on the phone and emailing with cyberpowerpc.com about the issues.  When I received the computer, it had a floppy, but no cable.  I bought one and installed it.  I ordered 2GB PC6400, only one chip was installed, the other was in the motherboard box, no static bag.  The rear USB header wasn't connected.  The side USB headers and audio were not connected. Everything was loose and had to be tightened down to hand tight.

A week after I started it up for the first time, the CPU fan threw 2 blades.  I assume this is due to the damage received from FedEx, they must have been cracked.  I have never heard of a CPU fan throwing blades.  I also ordered a voice modem since I use it to make calls from my laptop when I am on the road. I was also to receive some freebies, a T-shirt, some games.  One game came with, and the game DVD didn't work in 7 different computers.  They sent another, it didn't work either.  No T-shirt. 

My first call to the "professional 24/7 technical support" cost me 20 minutes of hold time.  Then some stoned kid with an attitude comes on and asks me for my customer number then order number.  Asks again, and a 3rd time, then calls me Mrs. ******(my last name).  I am very obviously male with a baritone voice.  He then asks for my order and customer number a 4th time.  This is at 10AM in the morning, Pacific time.  Finally, light dawns on his marble head and we get to the problems I am having.  I am promptly told that it is my fault, I should have ordered higher end components and that the system I order wouldn't run games like Counterstrike:Source. he also told me that they do not offer voice modems, but go to cyberpowerpc.com and configure ANY system.  On the first configure page at the bottom, voice modem, $12. I asked to speak to his supervisor, who was at first really busy, then he was on vacation, and there were no supervisors available.

My 2nd and 3rd tries were email and phone. I had to leave messages, and then emails, none of which were answered for 3 days.  When the calls were returned, they had no clue what the support issue was, and the emails were never answered.  So much for professional 24/7 tech support.

After 3 weeks, I was finally able to get to the sales supervisor, who refused to do a 3-way call with the tech support people, citing he didn't know how.  He hung up on me without an RMA.

So I finally paid my lawyer to get on the phone and conference with me.  After 2 hours of trying and being lied to again, I was finally able to get through to a tech support supervisor, then after 30 minutes of arguing and legal language I was able to get a return merchandise number.

If the support had been there, and the people had been polite, I would have exchanged the PC with no refund.  I was also planning on ordering 3 more within the next 4 months for some college clients.  Total sales would have been around $6000.  In the 20 years of have been in in the IT/Computer industry, this is the worst experience I have ever had.

FedEx can do nothing about the computer, as I did not ship it.  Turns out cyberpowerpc.com never even checked into the delivery.  However, they will refund me the $122 it cost me to ship it back UPS.

3 weeks of 20 hour days troubleshooting.  Time away from my family, work lost.  Practically non-existent technical support.  I have come to the conclusion that this "company" is 6 guys and a girl in a garage throwing parts together and calling them "high end PCs".

The worst part?  I was able to play CS:S on it for about 10 minutes before it froze, and it was a dream.  INCREDIBLE fast. God it was sexy.  Now I am back to my old computer.  It runs solid, but the difference in performance makes me just want to turn it off and quit.

Eventually, I couldn't even get into the BIOS without resetting it a dozen times over a 20 minute period.  Thanks FedEx.

By the way, the reason it kept freezing?  Excessive shock to the hard drives.  Thanks FedEx.

I am building my own when I get my refund.  IF I get a refund.  My lawyer lives about 150 feet from me, and is just chomping at the bit on this one. I am also waiting to hear back from PC World magazine which is where I heard about this rinky-dink half-assed outfit. I also reported to the Better Business Bureau in Los Angeles.



I will keep you posted.


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