y0himba.net y0himba.net: My Daughter Loves Me :)

Friday, February 2, 2007

My Daughter Loves Me :)

Things In the Sky.

When I was little,
before my brothers had life,
we would lay on the ground,
just to watch night come to life.

Things from the barn,
tiny with wings.
Daddy called them Bats.
Each little one, would sing.

The round thing in the clouds,
it was orange, and mighty high.
Dad called it "the sun".
But soon after, it died.

No wait! It came back,
bigger and white,
"The Moon" was it's name.
But the littler things, gave me much fright.

The light, white dots,
they brightened the dark.
He said they were stars,
oh, what a journey we could embark.

Then my mommy would call,
"Time to come in!"
And yes, I did know...
tomorrow, we'd watch it again.

Posted By TJ to A Story. <http://tj.thedevlins.org/2007/02/things-in-sky.html> at 2/02/2007 06:40:00 PM


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