y0himba.net y0himba.net: Simulate A Nuclear Blast In Your Town

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Simulate A Nuclear Blast In Your Town

In light of the recent premier of "24", where a 1KT suitcase nuke was detonated near Los Angeles, you can go here and show the damage radius and effects of a 1KT nuclear device on your home town.  Hurray for fear mongering!  EVERYBODY PANIC!

You will need to know your town's longitude and latitude, or if you are in/near a major city there are some named locations.  Easiest way to get your town's longitude and latitude is to Google Search just that:  Your town's name longitude latitude.  Example:  "Allentown, PA longitude latitude" or "Allentown, PA coordinates".  You can also get them from Google Earth, Terraserver, or many online map sites.


Blogger sk0t said...

To hit ERIE PA,

Enter this in the Long/Lat, area:

-80.18, 42.05

January 16, 2007 11:20 PM  
Blogger y0himba said...

I already blew up my town. I was too busy evaporating to worry about it. Wow, a 1 Kiloton device like the one on 24 last night will take out my entire town, and most towns surrounding, and kill everyone it missed, painfully. Gotta love the world we live in!

"Peace through superior fire power".

January 16, 2007 11:27 PM  

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