y0himba.net y0himba.net: My Favorite "Bond Girl"

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

My Favorite "Bond Girl"

Yeah ok, I am a Bond fan.  I have seen every movie and love them all.  Starz has been playing the 007 in '07 marathon, so I of course had to watch.  I couldn't wait for "For Your Eyes Only" to come on, because of the most beautiful "Bond Girl" ever, Carole Bouquet.  I cannot get enough looking at her face, the shape of her mouth, and those eyes.

Sorry fellow males, when I look at a female the first thing I see is eyes, then mouth, then hair.  A perfect body doesn't do it for me, every woman has something about her that is beautiful.  A woman is to be revered, worshiped, respected, not looked at like a piece of meat or an object, but a work of priceless art, irreplaceable and compelling.  Like it or not, women are far deeper and stronger than we ever will be.


Anonymous Georgia said...

I love this statement. You are a real gentleman.

January 6, 2007 5:28 AM  
Blogger y0himba said...

I can actualy take pride in that. Thank you for your kind words. I feel that if my felow males would learn this simple lesson, the world would be a bettr place.

On the flip side, women could learn once again how to take a respectful compliment, although current reactions can be blamed on males once again.

January 6, 2007 9:28 AM  

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