y0himba.net y0himba.net: Company Disrespects American Soldiers

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Company Disrespects American Soldiers

I hate the war.  I disagree with us being there.  We cannot even take care of our own here at home, why the hell are we in Iraq policing that country?    We all know our troops are there under false pretenses, that our soldiers are following orders and doing their job.

With that said, I support our troops over there.  They are doing what they were sent to do, whether or not it is right or wrong for us to be there is irrelevant, our soldiers do not have a choice, they are doing the job assigned to them, the best they can, and I support them whole-heartedly, without supporting this fabricated war.

This company on the other hand has decided to take it upon themselves to explain to our troops that they need to pull out of Iraq.

Read more here. (http://www.snopes.com/politics/war/apo.asp)


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