y0himba.net - 04:11:25 P.M. y0himba.net: Speaking Of Starting Fresh...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Speaking Of Starting Fresh...

I was hoping to just hang on and not re-install WinXP like I do every 6 months, but, alas, the last patch Tuesday (Windows Update) corrupted the WPA (Windows Product Activation) files and I could not get into the machine.  I worked on it for a few hours and finally said fuck it. 

I love the way WindowsXP runs with a fresh, default install.  Can't wait to get my copy of Windows Vista Business Edition and Microsoft Office 2007.

Amazing how fast it went this time, and how much garbage I had on here that I didn't need.  Back to normal in 6 hours.


Blogger sk0t said...

There is nothing like a fresh install, I am going on about 3 months with this install, and still runs like a champ...

Maybe before Prison I will format.

December 17, 2006 3:55 PM  

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